Sunday, May 15, 2011


Well, it took some time for the journey but I finally returned to, as one friend said, my peeps. The first weekend in May is always the Spoutwood May Day, Fairie Festival in Glen Rock, PA. Glen Rock is just outside of Maryland and I'm about 5 hours away, so frankly some years I just can't fit it into my schedule. This year, in my determination I found one gate after another open on my path. So, I took that to mean the Divine was with me on this and my request to the universe for a return of my Muse had been heard.

Since 2003 when I was contacted by my now dear friend, David Riche', author of so many compilation and how to books about Fairie, I found myself immersed in this wonderful world of mythic commeraderie. I have not been back to Glen Rock since 2006, which is a very long time. Of course I've run the WPA Fairie Festival for two years and vended at FaerieCon, but to return to the mothership of Fairie festivals was a calling I had to answer.

You know how you just know when something is meant to be and that is what I found in my many reconnections there, include lovely, special time spent with Kim Cross of Faerie Magazine, Linda Biggs (Rainbow Faerie Artist), Charles Vess and Gary Lippincott, master Illustrators, Shane and Leah Odom of Mythical Masks and
the Green Man March...and many more.

My conversations with Gary Lippincott and especially the last conversation on Saturday with Charles Vess, woke up the Muse in a way I haven't felt in a very long time.

It's also a reminder to get out of my own way.
Being in the flow, and everything around and within me flows too.

Blessings and Bliss,


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