Saturday, February 4, 2012

2012 - Is There a Shift Coming?

I have read reports from every source that showed up online and in my email about the various 2012 predictions.  I receive forwarded emails from channeled beings claiming to be angelic, or alien or both.  Admittedly I have given more creedence to the Mayan predictions and Mayan calendar as it seems to parallel remnants of other early cultures and the mythic stories left behind for the rest of us.  Then there is the history channel, which can be both educational and fascinating or can send me into a crazed period of sleepless nights. Being curious, skeptical and somewhat investigative I made every effort to read all of this incoming data with a neutral and open mind.  I compared notes and stories. I considered how they played out against Revelations in the bible and the story of the rapture in the old testament. (That one always fascinated me.) I discussed holy books of other faiths with their followers hoping to find similar stories in their histories, as I continued to read the emails from these "channeled" beings 'just in case' there is some kernal or volume of truth.

To date I have found one thing that repeats over and over in various stories, words, explanations and cave drawings... there will be a 'shift'.  However, no one is clear about what it is or when it will occur.  It may be the poles shifting (that's already happening), or something more vague like a new dimension appearing due to solar flares or some brown dwarf planet in our atmosphere...regardless, I guess the most important thing to remember is...don't be in fear.  There seems to be a consensus that this shift will be drastic but this drastic period will only last a few days.  OH, and - it seems there will be a time of a some important choice.  Do not make your choice from a place of fear. Think about the love you feel for others or for your connection to the Divine - and then you will automatically rise up to the right choice.   This message was prevalent.  OK, what kind of shift are they talking about?  Not sure. It seems to refer to an energetic shift.  That makes sense...Quantum Physics has proven we are all nothing but multi-layers of energy as is everything around us and the entire universe so, an energetic shift.   To what?  Here 'they' do not quite agree or explain clearly.  However, get this...I just read an article (sorry I've lost the link but will keep searching for it and repost) that a scientist, I believe from NASA, claims he has proof that we are at the end of the Time/Space Continunum and that earth is 'breaking up' into particles.  He says this supports his theory that we are in fact, a hologram!  As difficult as that is to wrap my brain around it does support many other articles stating that life here is an illusion, one we are about to awaken from.

This is all so very much to absorb, make sense of.  Actually, it doesn't make sense compared to what we already know.  Who is to say the future will be a reflection of the past? What is coming may be something totally new.  Much of this does support biblical predictions and the writings on cave walls and the artwork of the ancients and of course the Mayan Calendar, which was NOT calculated as our current calendar is so the timeline is guesswork at best. And then we must also this another millinium scare or Y2K bug scenario?

Are we aliens? Were our ancestors aliens? Did we get what Jesus was trying to tell us, all wrong? (In the Course in Miracles HE says we did).

Now Pluto has moved into Neptune.  As Astrologer  and Author of 'The Exquisite Zodiac', Rick DeClemente says, we're in for real shake ups for quite awhile AND a major move to a spiritual direction.  Life as we knew it is gone, it's time for the shake up and the universe will make sure it happens.  We are watching it every day on TV and wondering, What next?  We are seeing our sense of security dissolve before our eyes.  Retail business is falling away and trending toward an almost totally digital life; no more handwriting in the elementary schools; trust in the business world, in government, in religious leaders is all falling away as the old ways and corruption are exposed.  What we cannot see yet is what will replace all of these things.  We walk out our doors into unexplainable weather and say to our neighbors; "This is crazy!".  Welcome to The Shift. It's already happening.  I think it as more of an evolutionary flow than a moment in time, but that's my thinking process.

Recently, Astrologer, Jeanne Mozier of Annapolis visited Pittsburgh and made a presentation about 2012.  It was intense.  She too says a shift will occur, the earth will shake, there will be devastation and loss and a great outpouring of love, there will be dark days and light.  Hold on to your hat.  She says the earth will not end in 2012 but we may wish it had! Lovely, optimistic outlook.   How true is this? No man will know.  We just  need to sit tight, hope the poles don't move too quickly and if there is a big awakening in 2012, ask the Divine for the wisdom and opportunity to be in a place of TRUST and LOVE and then just go with the flow.'   As for me, I'm sticking close to nature, sending every past event and person (including myself) forgiveness, ramping up my mediatation and gratitude flow and... 


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