Tuesday, May 22, 2012

If We Are What We Think...What Are You Thinking?

Who is That Woman in My Closet?
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” Buddha

How true has this been in your life?  I have found this to be measurable especially during a job interview.  When you feel very confident about yourself and about your fit with the prospective job and company you exude a self-confidence to the interviewer that is palpable and translates into good things.  At the very least he/she may find you to be a serious contender and in the best situation, you are the perfect fit! But you already knew this.

Now go in trying to convince yourself you want the job, out of need, and the experience somehow falls flat.   It’s all about the energy coming from us and our projection of that energy.  We cannot fake it.  The higher self is always in control, though the mind generally believes it has the upper hand.

That being said, the human ego (mind talk) is always jockeying for position with the intuitive soul…it’s part of why we are here…to hear and listen and respond to our higher self – in order to, not just reconnect to the Divine, but to be aware that we are already connected and open ourselves to that uplifting, encompassing experience and to overcome our subterranean fears of that merger.

So, being aware of this journey and also finding my ego delighting in setting up roadblocks, I realized this past week through an experience that I,  (I who I believe I am, I who have envisioned myself to be a certain way and do project that to others, I who am never satisfied with Who I Am,) now realize how much inside of a box (I) really have been.

Allow me to share this experience with you…

As a Reiki practitioner and follower of energy and energy healing, I have many times offered Reiki healing sessions to others and also Distance healings.  (I) do not believe (I) am a healer, but rather a conduit for the healing to occur.  So the receiver must be in a receptive state to integrate the healing energy into their own and to utilize it.   I ask permission and also instruct the receiver to set an intention.

Last week a dear friend was going in for a 3rd surgery, the result of a series of bazaar incidents that is still puzzling.  The situation is very serious.  At her request for some guidance, I instructed her in self-guided meditation for her own body to heal and begin the process prior to the surgery.  I also offered distance Reiki.  She accepted.

At that moment, my soul (higher-self) set the healing waves in action as our intentions were established.    She followed instructions and I followed as promised with Reiki.

Later in the week she texted me after surgery.  “Thank you so much! The doctor could not believe the improved condition I was in, which permitted the surgery to go smoothly and successfully.  I attribute it to the guided meditation.  ALSO, I asked you to go in to the surgery with me.  I know you were there as I felt you on my right side with your hand on my shoulder. Thank you so much. I could not have done it if you had not been present with me.”

Wow! I thought,… I was in a meeting at the time, 20 miles away and out of touch with my friend that day.  However, she was convinced I was present and had my hand on her shoulder. I pondered this; if she had asked me, I would have said, “Yes, I will be with you.”  Perhaps part of me was there.  If this is possible…well, why not?  That puts me outside the box of how I perceive myself and my souls actions while I am present within this body. I realized how limited my view of the soul and the self has been. In a big way it has been mind-altering for me. 

Someone once told me that ancient peoples believed there are only 6 souls in the universe.  We are all part of just 6 souls who fractured from the Divine and have the desire to be reconnected.  That certainly would explain the ‘knowing’ we often experience when we meet people we just KNOW we’ve met before, or the electric spark that happens with a stranger across a crowded room.  Perhaps they are part of the same soul as we are and those moments are ones of recognition.

This means our highest-self may be functioning at another level, which our ego/consciousness is not aware of but would agree to if it were aware.  Would I have been present with my friend, absolutely. Therefore, I likely was.  I was just not aware of it. She however, was convinced and that has allowed my walls of current self-perception to disappear.

This completely changes how I view the functioning of me.  Frankly, I’ve never been sure who (I) was in the first place because it keeps changing.  Doesn’t that happen to you? And ….wow, how sad it is when at times we permit others to negatively shift who we are in our own eyes.  Generally that is all about what they see in life, we just happen to be the view in front of them at the moment.  (Note to self: hold on to that thought).

So for me, everything in my own perception has shifted.  Where do I go from here? A whole slew of other questions arise….not only about our ability to be multiple places at once, and isn’t that just the tip of the iceberg, but there is that pesky curiosity about time being non-linear, and oh I could go on and on with the questions.  

I do believe that Perception + Intention = Expansion

This week, (I) will meditate on the expansion of my connection to DIVINE LOVE, and see how my ego jockeys with that one.

Thanks for hanging out with me on this journey. 

Please email me with your thoughts and experiences. I‘d be happy to post them on my blog as well.



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