Play Here Now TM SM
(A Spirit Art/Heart Chakra Workshop) -

July 31st & August 1st, 2010
Full Spectrum Self in Saxonburg, PA
Saturday July 31st, 9:30 am to 6 pm – 
Sunday August 1st, 11 am to 5 pm.
(Special - One time only - 'Full Spectrum Self' pricing)
$135.00 plus $40 materials fee. $35 non-refundable deposit due with registration by July 15th.
Space is limited ~pre-registration required

Let Linda guide you through a weekend experience devoted to opening the Heart Chakra, releasing blocks and connecting to your higher self through the process of playful creation, surrounded by the beauty of nature. 

The weekend begins with a brief introduction followed by a guided meditation from Linda's 'What Color Are Your Wings?' TM SM eBook/CD; to connect with the heart chakra, rebalance your energy fields and experience the fun of spiritual self discovery through painting. A brief individual Energy Scan is included.

Participants will create a bejewelled Mandala or Sacred Art Painting as a tool for ongoing meditation and inspiration within a sense of community, connection to nature and the Divine Stream. ~No painting experience necessary.

Friday July 30th - Linda will be available at Full Spectrum Self for a limited number of Individual readings at a special workshop rate; Friday afternoon/evening $30 for half hour, $55 for one hour. ~Pre-registration is required.

To schedule, call: 412-417-6690
or email:

Linda Varos is an Internationally Published Artist and Esoteric Spiritual Medium/Clairvoyant whose clients have included; CEO’s, Rock Stars & Global Peacemakers.

Linda has been a guest on PBS’s Life Quest discussing The Secret and The Law of Attraction.
Her work can be seen in the books; Watercolor Fairies - author, David Riche', Watson Guptil Publishing;
500 Fairy Motifs, author Myrea Pettit, Collins Brown Publishing with fellow fairie artists, Myrea Pettit, Amy Brown, Jessica Galbraith, Nene Thomas, etc.  (see

She studied painting at Carnegie Mellon University, graphic design at The Art Institute. She has curated and coordinated numerous exhibits, including: The International Harry Potter Symposium, HP Fanon Inc.; "The Witching Hour," Salem, Massachusetts 2007

Viewing, Creating or Meditating on images may open the Heart Chakra and assist with clearing the energy pathways, amplifying the progress, content and abundance of your spiritual journey.

Throughout history meditative art, Mandalas and religious icons have been used to quiet the mind and open the path between heart and soul in addition to offering hidden messages in it’s symbology.
Every Religion on the planet has symbolic art of some kind, from Runes to Stained Glass windows, which serves this purpose; to honor and connect with the Divine.

Mandalas are ancient circular images that historically have outer, inner, and secret meanings. Externally they represent the world, internally they are a map for the human mind to enter enlightenment; on the secret level they represent the merger of the human and Divine energies and the higher learning that comes with such awareness. Native American Shamans, Hopi in particular, created images that triggered their healing powers when working with specific clients. Indigenous peoples have always used visionary and psychic states to create spiritual symbolism that defined levels of enlightenment as well as reverence for their sacred monuments and buildings.

Spiritual Psychic Art - is derived from images impressed on the super conscious during dream state or in deep meditation. In this state the Psychic has clarity in both the 6th & 7th Chakras, the Third Eye & Crown.

Visionary Art - arrives when the artist is attuned to the higher levels of consciousness but finds inspiration through nature or their personal muse. The images are interpretive and are usually meant to trigger a forward momentum for the soul of the viewer or they are simply the artist expressing their own lesson/messages, which are impressed upon them. However, those messages are universal and meant to be shared.
Visionary Art is generally acheived through an increased clarity and activation of the 5th & 6th Chakras, the Throat Chakra & the Third Eye.

Whimsical Art - At times the joy and humor of self-expression manifests in a whimsical image. Whimsy often resonates with the inner child. It can trigger an inner joy that uplifts and helps us to see our day as a ‘glass half full’ and our potential as boundless. It provides opportunity for laughter which awakens joy in the heart and and can clear away energetic debis in an instant.

Fairies, Angels and Guides - From ancient times, mankind has attempted to depict the elusive qualities of our rarely seen guardians.  The Fairies, spoken of in every culture, are the angels of nature who cross over to support us, while Angels are the given protectors of mankind. The images of Guides from all ages before us, when visually interpreted for our private prayerful meditation, may help lead us forward on our journey.
Symbology May Be Hidden in Dogma - Over the years I have stared at a particular painting of the Christ on a church wall. The rays of light beaming from above and from his hands, had always meant to me, the power He received from the Father (as in Christian teachings) and emitted to us.

One day after providing Reiki to a hospice patient who was crossing the threshold into the next life, I stopped in that church. As I looked up my impression of the image shifted and I saw the Christ exhibiting the healing energy from his hands.  My own palms began to vibrate as they do during Reiki. For the first time I saw The Christ showing us the gifts available to us as we tap into the Divine Stream of consciousness, being merged in Spirit with the Creator. Christ was receiving this energy from above as Reiki practitioners do. And so anyone can when surrendering to the Divine. The message was so clearly there and so simple but traditionally it is not explained in this way. The seeker must look with new eyes for the messages are not really hidden, the expectation of the image must be removed in order to see the real message.  For me this was life altering and awakened my awareness of massive amounts of information available to us, right under our eyes.