Her gifts arrived in childhood and became fine-tuned after a near-death experience. She has read for more than 30 years for friends, family and clients. Her clients have included CEO’s, Rock Stars and Global Peacemakers.
She walks the path of spiritual energy and expansive connection to the Divine through gratitude, intention and practice. She shares her connective experiences and guides others to align with their own heart and soul through the gifts of guided information, nature, spirit art and loving support for their journey.
The results of each reading are unique. Each session, present or distant, begins with prayer and intention, requesting guidance and information through The Holy Spirit/Divine Loving Stream and Source; this is followed by an Energy Scan and a flow of information that is unique for each client.
Your reading may or may not include any of the following;
*strengths and blocks in your energy fields
*guidance and suggestions for removing blocks in energy, intention and other areas*new perceptions of your present life experiences and how they may be redirected
*a view of your soul journey from the past live perspective
*present moment gifts and potential for future growth
*may connect you with family members, angelic guides and other loved ones
who have passed and wish to share information for your highest good
*suggest ways move forward into your highest potential
*practices and tools to open you to the Divine Stream
*practices and tools for self-healing
*many other possibilites
Linda does not discuss the following;
*make predictions on life expectancy, particularly in relation to illness
*does not provide numbers for gambling purposes
*makes no guarantees on outcomes of information prior to readings or in relation to content received during the reading. Free will is part and parcel of every part of life including decisions you or others make that alter outcomes in your life.
All readings are done with the intention that what is received is for the client's highest good.

$65.00 by paypal or check - received in advance of reading
Response to 3 specific questions, plus a clairvoyant scan reading of your energy field. Meditation on your questions and Scan are done prior to the chat - Chat /Phone follows the reading with reading results and discussion on those topics (approx. 45 mins)
$80.00 by paypal or check received in advance of reading. Checks are not cashed until the reading is completed.
Energy Scan Reading & - 55 minutes - $100.00
Energy Scan Reading & Chakra Clearing (table work) - 45 minutes - $125.00
Special Event pricing applies per event. See individual listings.