As you may know, I've been paying attention to signs and messages from outside of myself since I was a small child.
I learned, the more I paid attention and actually acted on what I was shown, with faith, the more I was shown.
This really has been the core of my psychic/clairvoyant opening and development. Paying attention has put me in connection with the Divine Stream of Consciousness, my Higher Self, my Twilight Guides, my Spiritual Ashram, My Ancestors and anyone else who wishes to have a positive impact on my path and on the life path of those with whom I interact.
Each week, I go out in nature and open myself to receive messages with the intention of writing these Energy Readings for you. I ask the Creator/ Holy Spirit to guide me with signs in nature. They usually show up in rapid succession, so I need to retrace and sit with each one, hearing the powerful and subtle messages in each sign.
On two occasions now, while still looking at the first sign, a second one whizzes by my ear or in front of me. Those two were of the screeching hawk, and the buzzing bee. I cannot 'reason think' in the process, but I can connect the dots that are in front of me. If I catch myself reasoning, then I must stop and be still, otherwise the words are coming from me and I cannot hear Spirit. Once still, it doesn't take me long to disconnect the thought process and open to the Stream. I just let it run in. Usually the data comes in layers and I need to begin scribbling it all down before I forget what I heard and saw (both visually and in my mind's eye).
That's pretty much it in a nutshell. I hope that answers your questions and helps you in your own opening to Spirit.
With Love From the Heart,