Saturday, November 3, 2012

"3 Days of Love" campaign and Buying Local
posted from Agape Center
Three days of thoughts, words and actions of Love and Peace cannot
be anything but good and positive, connecting Wo+Man=Kind.
The Shift Network - which is focused on the energetic changes proposed to occur during the Dec. 2012 shift; has birthed this project in conjunction with numerous world peace advocates.  Read more about it at these two websites:  and
Also, another simple way to effect positive change, especially as we near the holiday shopping season; Shop Locally.  I have said that before to  myself, joined in that thought process with others, but it's so easy, no...almost automatic, to make a quick stop at my local big chain card store, or big chain anything else to pick-up the items the kids saw on T.V. or buy a sweater for my sister as a surprise.
Just yesterday, I bought some free-range eggs from my friend 'Juli-ahh', {my affectionate name for her}, who has a small farm shared with her spouse. Though she is an energy-worker and essential oil aromatherapist, the farm life -- like Green Acres, 'is the life for her'.   In many ways I envy her ability to have the ongoing connection to the earth - even as she too struggles with her choices and momentum on this planet. Looking at a field of green or a hilltop covered with trees in their autumn dress, when arising each day, surely helps to give a centering perspective to what has become a hectic lifestyle on planet earth.
I back to the eggs.  They ARE FABULOUS.  If you have not ever purchased free-range eggs from a farm stand near you, it's a MUST-DO.  The flavor is so far beyond store bought that I must say, there is little comparison.  As Juli-ahh says, "they come from happy chickens."
So there are multiple benefits of buying locally; shopping on Etsy from people who have stepped into their gifts by creating things for the rest of us; supporting the local struggling artist, farmer, baker, etc. of course supports our local ecosystem.   See the link to Juli-ahhh's studio on the farm in the right column under 'Lovely Blogspots to Visit'.
In retrospect, while hurricane Sandy was picking up steam and headed to the east coast, the west coast was having sizeable earthquakes - centered in British Columbia.  With Hawaii on watch for a Tsunami it became clear to me that in one day or one hour, we could suddenly find ourselves totally dependent on our local community and our neighbors.  It is our local ecosystem {ecological and economic} that we need to get back to.  And supporting this system now will enrich and enliven us and hopefully reconnect each local system to a larger whole.  In a sense, that could create a very different reality and support system for country and our globe.  It's a simple approach that would grow organically - outward from each one of us.  What a wonderful way to impact positive change.  That's even better than political choices, because in the end larger groups of people effect the biggest change.

1 comment:

  1. I so agree with you about both the fresh free-range eggs (which is why we have our own chickens), and shopping locally rather than chain stores.

    I miss my home state of NH where small, locally-owned shops abound and are the norm. My family has to drive over an hour to get to big chain stores. Honey, cheese, and maple syrup are best purchased at the local farms, and most of the locals shop there rather than the shops in town for such things. Tourists come there for this small-town atmosphere as much as for the lakes, mountains, swimming and skiing. If you ever get a chance, visit NH.

    I will keep Etsy shopping in mind. I'd prefer to support small artisans.

    Love, Light, and Blessings,
